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Before you complete your order,
I have a special offer for you...
Get my newest balance program —
10 Gentle Yoga Poses To Improve Your Balance for just $3.99.
(That’s 89% OFF the regular price of $37.)
(But, to get this special deal, you have to add this to your order RIGHT NOW, because this one time offer EXPIRES as soon as you leave this page.)
(Comes with 60-day, unconditional, 100% money-back guarantee!)
(Not available for sale anywhere else)
“Why do I need ANOTHER balance program?”
Great question.
You just ordered my Balance Training Handbook program. That was a very smart move. I believe it is the BEST exercise program you can find anywhere to improve your balance and coordination.
It’s recently been proven, through scientific studies, that YOGA can ALSO be very effective for improving balance... even, and especially, in people who are 60 or older...
This quote comes from a study published in The Journals of Gerontology, in 2013, entitled A 12-Week Iyengar Yoga Program Improved Balance and Mobility in Older Community-Dwelling People: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial:
“We conducted a blinded, pilot randomized controlled trial with intention-to-treat analysis. Participants were 54 community dwellers (mean age 68 years, SD 7.1) not currently participating in yoga or tai chi. The intervention group (n = 27) participated in a 12-week, twice-weekly yoga program focused on standing postures and received a fall prevention education booklet. The intervention group significantly improved compared with the control group on standing balance, sit-to-stand test, 4-m walk, and one-legged stand with eyes closed.”
This quote comes from a study published in 2019 in International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, entitled Effect of Yoga on Balance in Geriatric Population:
“The study conducted concludes that yogasanas [yoga poses] are effective in improving balance in elderly individuals at the end of four weeks compared to the control group. Thus, it can be used clinically to improve balance in geriatric population.”
This quote comes from another study published in 2014 in Contemporary Nurse, entitled The influence of tai chi and yoga on balance and falls in a residential care setting: A randomised controlled trial:
“The findings of the study suggest it is possible to safely implement modified yoga and tai chi in a residential care setting and evaluate this using RCT design. They show positive changes to balance, pain and quality of life and a high level of interest through attendance amongst the older participants. The results support offering tai chi and yoga to older people who are frail and dependent with physical and cognitive limitations.”
Another study published in Age and Aging, in 2016, entitled Yoga-based exercise improves balance and mobility in people aged 60 and over: a systematic review and meta-analysis proved that yoga interventions result in improvements in balance and physical mobility in people aged 60+ years.
The reason I’m telling you all this is because...
I want you to have EVERYTHING
that could possibly help you improve
your balance and coordination....
...so you can really do it this time... So you can really get your balance BACK, and get your stability BACK, and get your coordination BACK... FOR REAL this time. So you can be independent again... not have to rely on others... and not have to worry about falling or getting injured, anymore.
I want to make sure you have ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that could possibly help you achieve that.

So, I created a new YOGA-BASED program called 10 Gentle Yoga Poses To Improve Your Balance, that’s specifically based on the conclusions of all the latest scientific research, including the studies I mentioned above...
AND... this program is specifically designed for people who have balance and coordination problems, and are between the ages of 40 and 85+...
So, this new program is EXTREMELY EASY to learn and do... it’s EXTREMELY GENTLE and SAFE... it only takes around 10 minutes a day or less to complete... and IT’S VERY EFFECTIVE at improving balance and coordination.
I normally charge $37 for a comprehensive exercise program like this, but...
I want you to have this, because I believe it can help you improve your balance and coordination, so...
If you add this to your order RIGHT NOW,
before you leave this page, you will get it for
just $3.99, which is
89% OFF the regular price!
You’re ALSO going to get a DVD with 2 more
Gentle Yoga routines... ABSOLUTELY FREE
If you add the 10 Gentle Yoga Poses To Improve Your Balance program to your order right now, I’m also going to send you a DVD in the mail, FOR FREE. This DVD has a real retail value of $57, because it contains 2 FULL Gentle Yoga routines, but you’re going to get this DVD COMPLETELY FREE. You’re also going to get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to the yoga routines that are on the DVD, so you don’t even have to wait for it to arrive in the mail!
The only thing I ask is that you cover a small shipping and handling fee for us to mail the DVD to you. You can find more details about this DVD and the programs on it, below, but I promise, you’re going to love this, because it’s designed specifically for people between the ages of 40 and 85+ and you are going to love the results you get from this!
You’re ALSO going to get full access to my
My VIP Coaching Community is a private Facebook group, set up specifically for my customers, so you can have a safety net — a place you can go to ask any questions you have, get advice, get support, and get inspiration... so you can ACTUALLY get the results you want this time!
In my VIP Coaching Community...
- You can ask any questions you have related to Balance Training Handbook, 10 Gentle Yoga Poses To Improve Your Balance, or any of my other programs... and you will get an answer from me, one of my team members, or one of our guest experts... in a timely manner.
- You can also ask any questions you have about anything related to health, fitness, and wellness, and you will get a quick response and complete answer from an expert who is experienced in the area your question relates to.
- You will get a BONUS yoga workout EVERY WEEK from one our expert team members or partner experts
- You will get to interact with lots of other people, just like you, who are working toward better health and a pain-free, healthy life.
- You’ll get support, accountability, and inspiration from our members, our team, and our expert contributors and partners, which is a very important ingredient in actually making progress toward your health goals.
- And LOTS more...
You get ALL OF THAT for
just $3.99!
And, as I mentioned, I’m also going to ask you to cover a small shipping and handling fee ($4.95) for me to send you the DVD (which has a real retail value of $57, but you’re getting it for FREE!). But other than that, your only cost is $3.99!
You might be thinking this deal seems a little too good to be true...
But I’ve INTENTIONALLY made it that way... because I want you to have ZERO reasons to say no to this...
...because I want to make sure you have ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING that can help you regain your balance and coordination, so you can get back to an active, independent, happy, healthy life again!
Does that sound fair?
BUT REMEMBER... this is a ONE-TIME deal. It EXPIRES as soon as you leave this page, and it won’t be made available ever again...
to get the 10 Gentle Yoga Poses To Improve Your Balance program, the DVD with 2 Gentle Yoga routines,
and FULL ACCESS to my VIP Coaching Community...
ALL for just $3.99:
(*Plus a small shipping & handling fee of $4.95 to send the DVD to you.)
(Comes with 60-day, unconditional, 100% money-back guarantee!)
(Not available for sale anywhere else)
What exactly do you get in the 10 Gentle Yoga Poses to Improve Your Balance program?
In this program, you get 5 different yoga routines, all specifically designed to help you improve your balance and coordination.
And every one of these routines is SUPER EASY, SUPER FAST (they only require 10 minutes or less to complete), and SUPER SAFE and GENTLE, so you can DEFINITELY do these routines, even if you have serious balance problems.
You get all of these routines:
- 10 Gentle Yoga Poses to Improve Balance
- 10 Gentle Standing Yoga Poses to Improve Balance
- 10 Gentle Chair Yoga Poses to Improve Balance
- 10 Gentle Floor Yoga Poses to Improve Balance
- 10 Gentle Bed Yoga Poses to Improve Balance
Why do we provide 5 different routines in this program?
Most balance programs assume that it’s a one-size-fits-all situation, and that everyone can do every routine. But, especially with something like balance issues, many people can’t do certain movements in certain positions. This is why we created 5 different routines — so there is at least one, and hopefully more than one that you can DEFINITELY DO. The reality is, some people with balance problems will ONLY be able to do these stretches and movements on the floor... some people will ONLY be able to do them on a bed... and some might ONLY be able to do them while sitting in a chair. This is why we created and supplied different routines for different positions.
And the great thing is, after some time doing these routines, you will start to be able to do more of them, as your balance and coordination returns... and then you’ll get even more benefit, and your balance will come back even faster!
So, for each of the 5 routines, you get one Instructional Video and one Comprehensive Manual.
(1) You get a total of 5 Instructional videos — 1 for each of the 5 different yoga balance routines
Each video is a virtual personal training and coaching session. On these videos, we will:
- SLOWLY DEMONSTRATE, STEP-BY-STEP, exactly how to do each yoga pose and movement perfectly, so you can definitely get them right
- Show you common mistakes people make doing these movements, so you also know what NOT to do
- Give you EVERYTHING you need – exactly how many repetitions and sets you should do, time and intensity, what you should feel as you do the poses and stretches, so you know you’re doing them right, and more.
- Do every pose, movement, and repetition on the video, so you can follow along and do everything with us in real-time.
- You’ll feel totally COMFORTABLE, CONFIDENT and SAFE at all times doing this program.
- And, the nice thing is: You have all the control, so you can adjust the pace and intensity of the program to whatever works best for you.
(2) You get 5 Comprehensive Manuals — 1 for each of the 5 different routines
Each manual is a comprehensive PDF file that includes:
- All of the gentle, but highly-effective yoga poses and movements you’ll use in this program. Each is explained in detail, with precise step-by-step instructions.
- Start-position and end-position photos for every pose
- Common mistakes and how to avoid them
- Tips, advice and instructions for everything else you need to know, like: number of repetitions, number of sets, how long each rep should take, exactly what you should feel as you do each pose and movement so you can be SURE you’re doing them correctly, and how to progress if the movements become too easy.
“What about the DVD that you’re going to
send me for free? What’s on that?
The DVD we’re going to send you in the mail contains two Gentle Yoga programs that you’re going to LOVE! (But, you’re also going to get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to these 2 Gentle Yoga programs right after you add this to your order, so you don’t even have to wait for the DVD to arrive.)
Why do you need these 2 Gentle Yoga programs?
Because it’s also been scientifically proven that yoga can bring a TON of OTHER amazing benefits. And many of my clients with balance problems have gone on to do other yoga routines that have benefited them in many other ways...
So... I wanted to give YOU that same opportunity too!
Here are just some of the other benefits you can expect doing the 2 Gentle Yoga programs you’re going to get:
Harvard Medical School published an article in February of 2015 citing these benefits of practicing yoga (these findings were all based on scientific research):

Yoga helps you lose weight.
Researchers found that people who practice yoga gained less weight during middle adulthood, and they found that people who were overweight actually lost weight with yoga.

Yoga increases self-esteem, reduces stress, and makes you happier!
Researchers found that yoga soothes mental tension, reduces stress and anxiety, and increases mindfulness, all of which contribute to more happiness!

Yoga increases strength, flexibility and fitness.
Researchers found that yoga builds muscle strength and endurance, and improves flexibility and cardiorespiratory fitness.

Yoga helps you eat better.
Researchers found that yoga makes people more mindful eaters, helps create a healthier relationship with food, and makes people more satisfied and less critical of their bodies, all of which contribute to eating healthier, overall.

Yoga helps your heart and diabetes!
Researchers found that yoga lowers blood pressure in people who have hypertension, it improved lipid profiles in healthy patients as well as patients with known coronary artery disease, and it lowers excessive blood sugar levels in people with non-insulin dependent diabetes, and in some cases, even reduced their need for medications.
So, I want you to send you this DVD that contains 2 Gentle Yoga programs that can help you get all of those benefits and more!
These are the 2 programs you get on the DVD (and get instant online access to):
- Yoga Flow For Beginners
- 10 Gentle Yoga Poses For A Better Night’s Sleep
Yoga Flow For Beginners
In Yoga Flow For Beginners, you’re going to learn the special modified version of yoga — it’s a GENTLER, EASIER form of yoga, designed and curated specifically for older adults (between the ages of 40 and 85+)... that STILL DELIVERS all the amazing benefits that yoga can.
What if you’re not a yoga beginner? What if you have some experience with yoga already? Even if you already know some yoga, you’re still going to get a lot out of this first program because it will teach you our special version of yoga and introduce you to the poses that are going to be PERFECT for you — the perfect balance of easy, gentle, fast, and highly-effective.
And if you are a total beginner when it comes to yoga, this program is PERFECT for you, because we start RIGHT AT THE BEGINNING, and we do everything so that it’s perfectly matched to the needs and abilities of older adults — women and men who are between the ages of 45 and 85+. In fact, even if you are out-of-shape, or your body is very inflexible, or you feel you’re overweight, or unhealthy... even if you have chronic pain, or you’ve never exercised a day in your life... you can still do this program... and it can work wonders for you!
The Yoga Flow For Beginners program is a 4-part video series designed to simplify many of the commonly-practiced yoga postures, and this will increase your confidence and comfort level. This series focuses on teaching you the proper techniques and correct alignment adjustments needed to help you be safe, strong, and impactful in your movements.
The Yoga Flow For Beginners program includes these 4 routines (each comes with an Instructional Video and a Comprehensive Manual):
Yoga Flow for Beginners – Alignment Basics
Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual

Yoga Flow for Beginners – Chair Sequence
Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual

Yoga Flow for Beginners – Standing Sequence
Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual

Yoga Flow for Beginners – Floor Sequence
Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual

NOTE: You don’t have to do all of these routines to get great results. We’ve included these separate routines in different positions — a standing routine, a routine you can do sitting in a chair, and one you can do on the floor, because some people are more comfortable doing these poses in different positions, and some of these routines will work better for certain people, so it’s worth trying them out to discover which works best for you.
10 Gentle Yoga Poses For A Better Night’s Sleep
We’ve all been there… tossing and turning at night, trying to get the rest that our mind and body so desperately craves, only to still be lying wide-eyed hours later.
And we all understand the importance of sleep – it’s an essential function that enables us to recharge for the next day.
But did you know that sleep also helps your body stay healthy? In fact, getting regular sleep can help boost your immune system, prevent weight gain, strengthen your heart, increase productivity, and improve memory.
Yes... you can take pills and drugs to help you fall asleep, but these can be expensive, they come with side-effects, hassles, and even possibly dependency problems!
There’s another way you can help yourself get a more restful, rejuvenating sleep every night, and it’s 100% natural with no negative side-effects — yoga!
Introducing: 10 Gentle Yoga Poses for a Better Night’s Sleep
This gentle yoga routine has been specifically designed to help prepare your body and mind for a deep sleep. By stretching and soothing your different muscle groups, not only will you allow your body to fully relax, you’ll also strengthen your muscles, improve your flexibility, and increase your circulation.
Don’t suffer through another sleepless night! In just 10 minutes or less, you’ll be calm, relaxed, and ready to melt into your sheets. And... 10 Gentle Yoga Poses for a Better Night’s Sleep includes 4 separate routines, so you can choose the yoga style that best fits your needs and abilities.
10 Gentle Yoga Poses for a Better Night’s Sleep includes:
10 Gentle Yoga Poses for a Better Night's Sleep
Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual

10 Gentle Chair Yoga Poses for a Better Night's Sleep
Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual

10 Gentle Floor Yoga Poses for a Better Night's Sleep
Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual

10 Gentle Bed Yoga Poses for a Better Night's Sleep
Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual

And there’s more...
The “Yoga Flow For Beginners & 10 Gentle Yoga Poses For A Better Night’s Sleep” DVD that you’re getting for free... is just the first of 6 DVDs that comprise my new program called “Gentle Yoga Monthly.”
I’m giving this first DVD away for free to introduce this new program to my most loyal customers, and people who I think could really benefit from it.
I have seen what these Gentle Yoga programs can do. I’ve seen the results that people just like you get from them. So, I’m convinced that they REALLY CAN benefit you.
BUT... YOU might not be convinced.
So I decided that instead of trying to convince you of the benefits, that I would just send you the first DVD for free, so you can use it... and see for yourself what the results are... and do it all with absolutely no risk!
So, here’s the deal:
After you get this first DVD for free that has “Yoga Flow For Beginners & 10 Gentle Yoga Poses For a Better Night’s Sleep” on it... if you love it, we’ll automatically send you 5 more DVDs — once every 30 days, all with different “Gentle Yoga” routines that you’ll also LOVE... and your cost is just $57 every 30 days (one payment of $57, every 30 days, for 5 months only)... and you get free shipping every DVD... and you can cancel your membership at anytime — EVEN before you make your first $57 payment!
If you’re not absolutely blown away by this first DVD that I send you for free, or if you just don’t want to continue to receive anymore DVDs, for any other reason, you can cancel your membership quickly and easily by calling us at 1-888-291-2430 (toll free in the USA and Canada), or sending an SMS to 1-888-229-4992, or emailing us at [email protected]. And you can keep the first DVD as my gift to you, just for giving the program a try.
If you cancel your membership within 30 days, you won’t be charged anything (except the $4.95 shipping cost of receiving the first free DVD). If you don’t cancel your membership within the next 30 days, we’ll process your first payment of $57, 30 days from today, and we’ll send out your second Gentle Yoga Monthly DVD right after that, and then 4 more, once every 30 days.
So, as you can see... you really have NO RISK. You get the first DVD for free and you can cancel at any time, which means you can try the program out before you commit to anything.
You ALSO get FULL ACCESS to my
VIP Coaching Community
My VIP Coaching Community is a private Facebook group, set up specifically for my customers, so you can have a safety net — a place you can go to ask any questions you have, get advice, get support, and get inspiration... so you can ACTUALLY get the results you want this time!
In my VIP Coaching Community...
- You can ask any questions you have related to Balance Training Handbook, 10 Gentle Yoga Poses To Improve Your Balance, or any of my other programs... and you will get an answer from me, one of my team members, or one of our guest experts... in a timely manner.
- You can also ask any questions you have about anything related to health, fitness, and wellness, and you will get a quick response and complete answer from an expert who is experienced in the area your question relates to.
- You will get a BONUS yoga workout EVERY WEEK from one our expert team members or partner experts.
- You will get to interact with lots of other people, just like you, who are working toward better health and a pain-free, healthy life.
- You’ll get support, accountability, and inspiration from our members, our team, and our expert contributors and partners, which is a very important ingredient in actually making progress toward your health goals.
- And LOTS more...
Here’s everything you get
for just $3.99:
(and a small shipping & handling fee of $4.95)
10 GENTLE YOGA POSES TO IMPROVE YOUR BALANCEMy newest balance program, based on the conclusions of scientific studies that have proven that yoga can help improve balance and coordination. You get 5 Instructional Videos (one for each different routine listed below) and 5 Comprehensive PDF Manuals (one for each different routine listed below):
($37 value) |
FREE DVD WITH 2 GENTLE YOGA ROUTINESWe’re going to send you a DVD in the mail for free! On this DVD, you get 2 complete programs — Yoga Flow For Beginners and 10 Gentle Yoga Poses For A Better Night’s Sleep. In total, you get 8 Instructional Videos and 8 Comprehensive Manuals. You also get INSTANT ONLINE ACCESS to these 2 programs, right after you add this to your order. |
($57 value) |
FREE FULL ACCESS TO MY VIP COACHING COMMUNITYYou get FULL ACCESS to my exclusive VIP Coaching Community, where you can ask any questions you have, get coaching, get advice, get support, and get inspiration... so you can ACTUALLY get the results you want this time! You’ll get a BONUS yoga workout EVERY WEEK from one of our team members or partner experts, you’ll get to interact with lots of other people, just like you, who are working toward better health and a pain-free, healthy life, and lots more! |
($97 value) |
> > > YOUR PRICE (IF... you add this to your order before you leave this page!)* |
$3.99 |
*I’m also asking you to cover a small shipping & handling fee of $4.95 so I can send you the FREE DVD.
This offer EXPIRES as soon as you leave this page... and it will never be available again!
So this will be your only chance to get my new 10 Gentle Yoga Poses to Improve Your Balance program... AND the DVD with 2 Gentle Yoga Workouts... AND full access to my VIP Coaching Community...
...ALL FOR JUST $3.99
(And a small shipping and handling fee of $4.95 for the DVD.)
Click this yellow button to add
all of this to your order now:
(Comes with 60-day, unconditional, 100% money-back guarantee!)
(Not available for sale anywhere else)
No thanks, I will pass on this ONE-TIME ONLY OFFER… and I realize I will never have this opportunity again.