A SPECIAL DISCOUNT is yours today!
Harness the benefits of yoga
with the
Gentle Yoga Monthly
Membership Program.
Sign-up for more SAVINGS!
How is the Gentle Yoga Monthly Membership Program DIFFERENT and BETTER than other yoga programs?
The problem with this is — the traditional yoga moves and routines DON’T WORK for LOTS of people, especially older adults who aren’t always in tip-top shape, aren’t used to moving a lot, aren’t as strong, or flexible, or have as much stamina as many younger people.
This is why, in the Gentle Yoga Monthly program, we teach you a special type of modified yoga that was designed and curated especially for older adults (women and men who are between the ages of 45 and 85+), who have different needs and different capabilities.
In this program, we teach you a kind of modified
yoga that includes stretches and movements that are PERFECT for older adults, because they’re EXTRA EASY, EXTRA GENTLE, and the routines are EXTRA GRADUAL in their progression... BUT... these moves and these routines STILL deliver all the results we talked about above!
The bottom line is: the movements and routines in this program are so easy and gentle that virtually anyone can do them - even people with chronic pain, and even people who have never exercised a day in their life!
Here’s what I mean by “more comprehensive”:
In the Gentle Yoga Monthly, you will get multiple programs, all designed to help you in different ways. In many of these programs, we give you SEPARATE routines (with their own videos and manuals) that show you how to do the program in different physical positions.
For example, in the first DVD - Month 1, you’ll learn a program called 10 Gentle Yoga Poses for a Better Night’s Sleep. In this program, you don’t just get one routine with one video and manual. This is what most yoga programs do because they assume one-size fits all. But, in our 10 Gentle Yoga Poses for a Better Night’s Sleep program, for example, you get all of the following:
We provide these extra routines because some people are more comfortable doing these poses in different positions, and some of these routines will work better for certain people, so you get to try them all out and see which works best for you!
In addition to giving you the general yoga programs you need to build a strong foundation and get the benefits typically associated with yoga...
...we also give you routines that have been specifically designed and curated to address specific problem areas that many people would love to improve, like: sleep, stiffness, pain, digestion, migraine headaches, and more.
And we provide routines that address specific areas of your body, too!
For example, one of the programs in Gentle Yoga Monthly is called 10 Gentle Yoga Poses to Decrease Body Stiffness. In this program, you get 8 different routines, all designed to address and improve a different area of your body! They are:
And here are more differences that make the Gentle Yoga Monthly program better for you, specifically:
- You can still be a regular person – you don’t need to be a health and fitness nut to get great results with the Gentle Yoga Monthly program.
- You can do almost all of the routines in this program in 10 minutes or less.
- This program only asks you to make small changes to your life, and make them gradually.
- You don’t have to do crazy intense, time-consuming workouts. The poses and stretches in this program are low-impact and easy for just about anyone to do, but still very effective!
- You can do this program pretty much anywhere, anytime — you never need a gym or any expensive equipment.
- These yoga routines are based on real scientific research. In my 25+ years as a Kinesiologist and Pain and Injury Specialist, I’ve seen that the programs that are based on the conclusions of real medical and scientific research just work better for most people.
- This program doesn’t require you to make any big changes in your lifestyle — all you have to do is a few easy stretches and poses each day and you can start seeing great results!
- You will know EXACTLY how to do each stretch and pose PROPERLY. You will know EXACTLY what order to do the stretches and poses in (which is VERY important!). You will know EXACTLY how many times to do each stretch and pose. You will know EXACTLY how many sets to do. You will know EXACTLY what intensity you should do each stretch and pose with. You will know EXACTLY how your body should feel when you do each stretch and pose correctly. Nothing is left out – you will have no guesswork or confusion about what to do. Everything in this program is systematized and laid out perfectly and clearly for you.
- All of your questions will be answered. I have diligently collected questions from each of my clients over the years, so you will have all the answers you need, so you will NEVER FEEL STUCK. And on the off-chance that I haven’t answered one of your questions, you can always email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you quickly with an answer!
- I will also show you what to do and how to do it if you want to progress further and increase your intensity and results.
- You’ll learn not only how to do the stretches and poses correctly, but also the common mistakes people make when doing these stretches. This is crucial because doing the stretches and poses just right can make A HUGE DIFFERENCE in whether this will work for you or not.
- And much more…
Also... you have no risk.
This comes with a 60-day, no-questions, no-hassles, iron-clad, unconditional, 100% money-back guarantee.
If you change your mind or decide you’d rather just have your money back FOR ANY REASON AT ALL... just contact my team within 60 days and we’ll happily and promptly return all your money, no questions asked!
And it’s easy to get a refund if you want one. All you have to do is call us at 1-888-291-2430, or email us at [email protected]
Here are some people just like you... and what they told us after doing the special type of yoga we teach you in this program:
“I’ve been using these exercises 3 – 4 times a week since I received them, I feel more flexible, am hitting the golf ball with more authority, with less effort, and have dropped 2 inches from my waistline. It’s simple to follow and hasn’t taken much of my time, yet has helped me get in better shape and feel much better about my movement / flexibility.”
Robert Baker

“I’ve had tremendous results from just doing the simplest ones. I have been suffering from low back pain and hip pain for some time now. This is the real deal. These exercises are terrific!”
Lisa Bayne - Former Patient Care Coordinator
“Before doing these exercises, my lower back was always very stiff with mild pain when moving. I didn’t know where to start so I didn’t do anything other than walking. Now, I am more flexible, with the mild pain being felt at the end, not the beginning, of stretches. I feel more positive, light and healthy.”
“I did your program for the first time this morning and after doing the stretches, I have noticed that I am walking with more comfort and ease. The discomfort is down 80% and I can stand up much straighter as well. I now have the ability to use the washroom, which has been quite difficult in the past. I just wanted to thank you for the series. It definitely unlocks and unravels as you said. I think I’m going to have a much better day today. You are a gift! You have no idea. So grateful!”
Kristie Moore
“I’ve already told people you probably don’t think you need to do these stretches but you will be surprised at the difference. Life was fine before, but it’s better now. I can’t describe it but I’m very impressed.”
Robert Young
“Before, I am having pain in the back, shoulder, knee and hip but after using the program I can feel that the pain reduced and I started to lose weight. I already inform this to all my friends who have back, shoulder and knee pain to subscribe to Exercises for Injuries products.”
Beyan Mohammed
“I had been experiencing pelvic pain and hamstring tightness after I seemed to hurt myself doing some sprints. Within one week the pain was gone and I was having no trouble running. I had been doing other exercises and stretches for 4 weeks prior to buying your programs with no results. I have referred many of my patients to your site, I tell them your programs are simple, effective and very comprehensive.”
Linda Lowen - Naturopath
“I love these exercises. I sit all day and try to do them 2-3 times week. Always feels great!”
Rhonda Mann
“I am enjoying this program and already beginning to get little glimpses of improvement. Before trying it, I was always stiff after sitting. The best thing about it is how simple and quick it is to do the routines.”
Beverly Garland
Just click this yellow button to get the Gentle Yoga Monthly Membership Program for only $29 a month:
Right now you can pay just $29
(Regular price = $57!)
(Comes with 60-day, unconditional, 100% money-back guarantee.)
What exactly do you get in the Gentle Yoga Monthly Membership Program?
Yoga Flow For Beginners & 10 Gentle Yoga Poses For A Better Night’s Sleep
In this first DVD, you get these 2 complete programs:
- Yoga Flow For Beginners
- 10 Gentle Yoga Poses For A Better Night’s Sleep
Yoga Flow For Beginners
In Yoga Flow For Beginners, you’re going to learn the special modified version of yoga that we’ve been talking about.
As mentioned above, it’s a GENTLER, EASIER form of yoga, designed and curated specifically for older adults (between the ages of 45 and 85+)... that STILL DELIVERS all the amazing benefits that yoga can.
What if you’re not a yoga beginner? What if you have some experience with yoga already? Even if you already know some yoga, you’re still going to get a lot out of this first program because it will teach you our special version of yoga and introduce you to the poses that are going to be PERFECT for you — the perfect balance of easy, gentle, fast, and highly-effective.
And if you are a total beginner when it comes to yoga, this program is PERFECT for you, because we start RIGHT AT THE BEGINNING, and we do everything so that it’s perfectly matched to the needs and abilities of older adults — women and men who are between the ages of 45 and 85+. In fact, even if you are out-of-shape, or your body is very inflexible, or you feel you’re overweight, or unhealthy... even if you have chronic pain, or you’ve never exercised a day in your life... you can still do this program... and it can work wonders for you!
The Yoga Flow For Beginners program is a 4-part video series designed to simplify many of the commonly-practiced yoga postures, and this will increase your confidence and comfort level. This series focuses on teaching you the proper techniques and correct alignment adjustments needed to help you be safe, strong, and impactful in your movements.
The Yoga Flow For Beginners program includes these 4 routines (each comes with an Instructional Video and a Comprehensive Manual):
Yoga Flow for Beginners – Alignment Basics
Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual

Yoga Flow for Beginners – Chair Sequence
Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual

Yoga Flow for Beginners – Standing Sequence
Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual

Yoga Flow for Beginners – Floor Sequence
Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual

NOTE: You don’t have to do all of these routines to get great results. We’ve included these separate routines in different positions — a standing routine, a routine you can do sitting in a chair, and one you can do on the floor, because some people are more comfortable doing these poses in different positions, and some of these routines will work better for certain people, so it’s worth trying them out to discover which works best for you.
10 Gentle Yoga Poses For A Better Night’s Sleep
We’ve all been there… tossing and turning at night, trying to get the rest that our mind and body so desperately craves, only to still be lying wide-eyed hours later.
And we all understand the importance of sleep – it’s an essential function that enables us to recharge for the next day.
But did you know that sleep also helps your body stay healthy? In fact, getting regular sleep can help boost your immune system, prevent weight gain, strengthen your heart, increase productivity, and improve memory.
Yes... you can take pills and drugs to help you fall asleep, but these can be expensive, they come with side-effects, hassles, and even possibly dependency problems!
There’s another way you can help yourself get a more restful, rejuvenating sleep every night, and it’s 100% natural with no negative side-effects — yoga!
Introducing: 10 Gentle Yoga Poses for a Better Night’s Sleep
This gentle yoga routine has been specifically designed to help prepare your body and mind for a deep sleep. By stretching and soothing your different muscle groups, not only will you allow your body to fully relax, you’ll also strengthen your muscles, improve your flexibility, and increase your circulation.
Don’t suffer through another sleepless night! In just 10 minutes or less, you’ll be calm, relaxed, and ready to melt into your sheets. And... 10 Gentle Yoga Poses for a Better Night’s Sleep includes 4 separate routines, so you can choose the yoga style that best fits your needs and abilities.
10 Gentle Yoga Poses for a Better Night’s Sleep includes:
10 Gentle Yoga Poses for a Better Night's Sleep
Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual

10 Gentle Chair Yoga Poses for a Better Night's Sleep
Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual

10 Gentle Floor Yoga Poses for a Better Night's Sleep
Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual

10 Gentle Bed Yoga Poses for a Better Night's Sleep
Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual

Yoga 101 and Yoga Props 101
Here’s the thing we’ve noticed about most yoga classes, yoga routines, and yoga instructional videos:
They all assume that you already know what yoga is, that you understand it, that you know how to use it for maximal benefit, that you have the proper foundation, and that you have, and know how to use the various equipment and “props” that we sometimes use in yoga.
But, the problem is: most people don’t know ANY OF THAT.
And here’s the important thing:
Having this foundation will help you get MUCH MORE out of doing yoga... in much less time... than if you don’t know it!
So, in this month’s DVD, you’re going to get a real foundation.
But don’t worry — we’re NOT going to bore you to tears with lots of history, theories and fluff. We’re only going to give you the good stuff — the foundational material and information you need to really MAXIMIZE the results you get from yoga.
In other words, the information you’re going to learn in Month 2’s DVD is going to help you get more out of yoga, in less time.
That sounds pretty good, doesn’t it?
In the Month 2 DVD, you get these two instructional videos, which will give you everything you need...

10 Gentle Yoga Poses to Decrease Body Stiffness
Do you ever feel stiff in the morning, when you first wake up? Or in the afternoon when you hit that midday wall? Or at night after dinner, or before bed?
LOTS of people feel LOTS of stiffness, all throughout the day...
And yoga is one of the ABSOLUTE BEST ways to deal with stiffness!
Here’s the great thing:
Doing the kind of yoga you’re going to learn in this month’s DVD, on a somewhat regular basis, can decrease the overall amount of stiffness you feel every day. So every day, you’ll feel a lot less stiff, all throughout the day.
But, what’s even better is: doing yoga can help reduce and eliminate stiffness IMMEDIATELY too!
So, anytime you’re feeling stiff, or achey... you can do a little yoga, and it can immediately reduce the stiffness and pain, or even make it go away completely, right there in that moment!
I told you yoga is POWERFUL, right?
So, in Month 3’s DVD, you’re going to get a comprehensive set of routines, videos, and manuals that will help you reduce stiffness and pain with yoga. And we’ve included separate routines that are specifically designed to address the separate parts of your body that are stiff, so you can hone in and laser-target those areas that bother you the most!
Here’s what you’re going to get with this month’s DVD:
10 Gentle Yoga Poses to Decrease Neck Stiffness
Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual

10 Gentle Yoga Poses to Decrease Shoulder Stiffness
Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual

10 Gentle Yoga Poses to Decrease Elbow, Wrist and Hand Stiffness
Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual

10 Gentle Yoga Poses to Decrease Upper Back Stiffness
Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual

10 Gentle Yoga Poses to Decrease Lower Back Stiffness
Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual

10 Gentle Yoga Poses to Decrease Hip Stiffness
Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual

10 Gentle Yoga Poses to Decrease Knee Stiffness
Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual

10 Gentle Yoga Poses to Decrease Ankle and Foot Stiffness
Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual

10 Gentle Yoga Poses to Tone Every Inch of Your Body
Do you want to lose a few pounds? Would you love to tighten and tone your body, in those places you’ve always wanted to look better?
YOGA IS A GREAT WAY to accomplish this... and YES... even this can be accomplished with EASY and GENTLE yoga!
Isn’t that great news?
And it’s not just me saying this. As you saw in the section above, Harvard Medical School found that yoga “can help you lose weight” and “increase strength, flexibility and fitness.”
But, you DON’T want to do some crazy, pretzel-twisty, complicated moves that only super experienced yogis can do...
First, because those can actually hurt you! And second, because you don’t NEED to do those kinds of moves.
The GENTLE, EASY moves in this month’s DVD can help you tighten and tone your entire body, and when you start looking good... you’re going to start feeling good!
And, the great news is: you don’t even need more than one, simple, short routine to start toning and tightening your body — here’s what you get in this month’s DVD:
10 Yoga Poses to Tone Every Inch of Your Body
Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual

12 Yoga Poses to Wake Up Energized and Start Your Day Off Feeling Fresh
My clients and students LOVE this routine...
They do it once a day, in the morning...
It refreshes their muscles, gets their joints warmed up, gets the blood flowing, and stretches the pain and stiffness out of their body in mere minutes...
So many of my clients have told me that after they do this short routine, they feel renewed, energized, and ready to start their day on the right foot, with lots of positive energy and possibilities!
I use this routine myself and I must say... IT REALLY DOES WORK, just like my clients say!
Here’s what you get with this month’s DVD:
12 Yoga Poses to Wake Up Energized and
Start Your Day Off Feeling Fresh
Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual

10 Gentle Yoga Poses to Improve Digestion & 10 Gentle Yoga Poses for Migraine Relief
Indigestion and migraines...
These maladies plague millions of people...
And I know there are pills and drugs you can take...
But there’s a 100% natural way to significantly IMPROVE your digestion and get some REAL relief from migraine headaches and pain.
You guessed it... once again.. it is yoga!
In this final month’s DVD, you’re going to get two routines of the special kind of yoga we use in this program, that are specifically designed to help improve your digestion and provide relief from migraine headaches and pain.
We’ve included separate routines to help with your digestion — an overall routine, a standing routine, a routine you can do sitting in a chair, one you can do on the floor, and one you can do on a bed. You don’t need to do all of these routines — we only provide them because some people are more comfortable doing these poses in different physical positions, and some of these routines will work better for certain people, so it’s worth trying them out to discover which works best for you.
Here’s what you get in this month’s DVD:
10 Gentle Yoga Poses to Improve Digestion
Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual

10 Gentle Standing Yoga Poses to Improve Digestion
Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual

10 Gentle Chair Yoga Poses to Improve Digestion
Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual

10 Gentle Floor Yoga Poses to Improve Digestion
Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual

10 Gentle Bed Yoga Poses to Improve Digestion
Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual

10 Gentle Yoga Poses for Migraine Relief
Instructional Video and Comprehensive Manual

AND... if you add this FREE DVD
to your order right now... you’ll
ALSO get FREE lifetime access to our
“Gentle Yoga Coaching Community”
Our Gentle Yoga Coaching Community is a private Facebook group, set up specifically for Gentle Yoga Monthly members, so you can have a safety net — a place you can go to ask any questions you have, get advice, get support, and get inspiration... so you can ACTUALLY get the results you want this time!
In our Gentle Yoga Coaching Community...
- You can ask any questions you have related to yoga, the Gentle Yoga Monthly program, and any of the DVDs or routines on the DVDs... and you will get an answer from me, one of my team members, or one of our guest experts... in a timely manner.
- You can also ask any questions you have about anything related to health, fitness, and wellness, and you will get a quick response and complete answer from an expert who is experienced in the area your question relates to.
- You will get a BONUS yoga workout EVERY WEEK from one our expert team members or partner experts
- You will get to interact with lots of other people just like you who are members in the Gentle Yoga Monthly program
- You’ll get support, accountability, and inspiration from our members, our team, and our expert contributors and partners, which is a very important ingredient in actually making progress toward your health goals
- And LOTS more...
Click the big yellow button below
to get the Gentle Yoga Monthly Membership Program...
and you will get 50% OFF (save $29) right now, AND
you’ll get FREE lifetime access to our
Gentle Yoga Coaching Community
Right now you can pay just $29 for every monthly DVD.
(Regular price = $57!)
(TRY EVERYTHING RISK-FREE... this comes with a 60-day, no-questions, no-hassles, iron-clad, unconditional, 100% money-back guarantee.)